Scribe Testing


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Entering a Completed Job for a Dealer, as an Admin

Made by Aubry Ott with Scribe

1. Navigate to

2. Click "Warranty"

3. Click "Warranty Registration Form"

4. Click * to open details menu.

5. Click the "dealer_id *required" field.

6. Enter Dealership ID / HubSpot Record ID for the Dealership owner of the Job.

7. Click the Customer Info. Must have email address. If customer does not have one, enter a Fake/Unique one. i.e.

8. Click the "Address *required" field.

9. Enter Job Information.

10. Click the "WARRANTY - Send warranty
to customer now" field.

11. Click "Submit"

12. Click "Submit"

13. Click Blue Feather Icon with Job ID

14. Click "Notes" to verify Warranty Email was sent.

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