B2B Department Contact

Meet David and Deb Levy

David Levy first joined Roof Maxx as a dealer after selling his property management company in 2019. After buying his sixth tote for a commercial job (67 buildings and over 360,000 square feet), Mike heard about his success and reached out to David to learn more.

After much time and contemplation, David and Deb decided to sell their dealership so they could spend a little more time traveling and enjoying their grandchildren. They were very fortunate to find a company they trusted to take over. It was a bittersweet decision for them but one they were pleased about. 

They relocated from the Boston area to Maine and remained in touch with the Roof Maxx corporate team.  They thoroughly enjoyed being involved with Roof Maxx and realized they wanted to support dealers and share their knowledge.  Their experience with mentors inspired them to pay it forward, making the timing of this transition a win-win.

Get in touch with David and start to prepare yourself for your next B2B client. You can email at dlevy@roofmaxx.com